Providing Nutritious Meals

Providing nutritious and delicious meals to underprivileged school kids during school hours.


Providing Specialized Services for School Lunch Program

In addition to our regular lunch program, we offer special dietary accommodations and educational initiatives to support the well-being and growth of underprivileged school kids.

Special Dietary Accommodations

We understand that every child has unique dietary needs, and we strive to provide meals that cater to those requirements.

Educational Initiatives

We believe in empowering children through education, and our program includes various initiatives to enhance their learning experience.

Supporting Their Growth and Well-being

Our aim is not only to provide nutritious meals but also to nurture the personal growth and mental health of the underprivileged school kids we serve.


Find answers to common questions about our program

How can I get involved?

You can help us by donation and partner with us if you are a restaurant owner.

How does it work?

We provide lunches that looks like home prep ro restaurant delivery for school kids in needed

What is the program?

This program aims to provide free lunch to kids in needed with dignity!

Support Our Programs

Help us provide nutritious meals to underprivileged school kids in our community.